





What does the main engine need to do in addition to selecting a low-noise engine?
A: in addition to selecting a low-noise engine, some improvements can be made to the configuration of the host or to the configuration of the system.
1. The machine cover and other covering parts can be preset to adhere to sound-absorbing and sound-insulating materials;
2. Reduce the noise caused by hydraulic pump oscillation, valve throttling and tubing oscillation by optimizing the arrangement of hydraulic pipelines; 
3. The fully closed and integral control room can be preset, which is tightly closed for shock absorption and sound insulation and noise reduction;
   4、如冷卻風(fēng)扇可不再由引擎發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)直接驅(qū)動(dòng),而可單 、由液壓電動(dòng)機(jī)帶動(dòng),這便于將風(fēng)扇與引擎發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)隔開并將整個(gè)兒引擎發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)嚴(yán)密封閉起來(lái),因此使噪聲不可以以通過(guò)風(fēng)扇出風(fēng)口傳到外部,下降噪聲對(duì)環(huán)境的影響。
4, such as cooling fan can no longer be directly driven by the engine engine, but single, driven by hydraulic motor, which is easy to separate the fan from the engine engine and the whole engine engine closely closed up, so the noise can not be transmitted to the outside through the fan outlet, the impact of noise on the environment.
   The function of rubber shock absorber is to reduce vibration and noise. The shape of rubber shock absorber can be selected at will, so that the stiffness of up and down, left and right, front and back can be obtained by reasonable presetting of the shock absorber, which can greatly simplify the structure of the shock absorber.So it applies to a lot of mechanical devices.

The function of rubber shock absorber is to reduce vibration and noise. The shape of rubber shock absorber can be selected at will, so that the stiffness of up and down, left and right, front and back can be obtained by reasonable presetting of the shock absorber, which can greatly simplify the structure of the shock absorber.So it applies to a lot of mechanical devices.



